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The Svelte $lib directory is introduced into use🐛

Sometimes, code is used in multiple places. When this happens, it's useful to have a place to put them that can be accessed by all routes without needing to prefix imports with ../../../../. In SvelteKit, that place is the src/lib directory. Anything inside this directory can be accessed by any module in src via the $lib alias.

Both +page.svelte files in this exercise import src/lib/message.js. But if you navigate to /a/deeply/nested/route, the app breaks, because we got the prefix wrong. Update it to use $lib/message.js instead:

	import { message } from '$lib/message.js';

<h1>a deeply nested route</h1>

Do the same for src/routes/+page.svelte:

	import { message } from '$lib/message.js';


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 11:41:01 AM

posted by CFYYDS



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